4th Quarter 2019 Retail Market Observatory : The results of the opening of the retail energy trading markets in the fourth quarter of 2019 show an increase in market offers in electricity of 5.2% with 454,000 additional customers and 2.5% in gas with 170,000 more residential sites during this quarter.
In electricity, 9.1 million residential sites out of a total of 33 million are under market offer, i.e. 28%. In natural gas, 6.9 million sites out of a total of 10.7 million are on market offer, i.e. 64% of residential sites.
On the non-residential site market, in electricity, 2 million sites out of a total of 5 million are now on market offer. In natural gas, out of a total of 655,000 sites, 606,000, or 93%, have chosen a market offer.
Note: The Climate Energy Act of 8 November 2019 modifies the categories of non-residential consumers eligible for the regulated sales tariffs (TRV) for gas and electricity. These measures concern in particular small businesses, shops, tertiary installations, local administrative services and local authorities.
For natural gas, non-domestic consumers consuming less than 30 MWh/year will have to choose a market offer by 1 December 2020.
For electricity, professional consumers employing more than 10 people or whose turnover, revenue or balance sheet total exceeds €2 M/year will have to choose a market offer before 1 January 2021.