The use of photovoltaic is increasingly appealing to French citizens, as these materials make it possible to considerably reduce electricity bills. However, one should be vigilant, since scammers do exist and many have been tricked!
How to recognize that you are facing a scam?
After the State's encouragement of the use of renewable energies, we have seen an explosion of companies specialising in the sector. The majority of them are looking at telephone canvassing to find their target. During the interview, a sales representative contacts customers and pretends to be professionals specialized in the sale of photovoltaic or solar panels, working for the Edf Company or large retailers. Then, he tries to convince his interlocutor to accept a home visit for an energy diagnosis, which will of course be free of charge, and will be charged to the company. Once at the customer's premises, he tries to persuade the customer by all means to sign an order form (for the purchase of the equipment). And to finance this purchase, he must also take out a credit. To prove to the customer that it is really a good deal, he promises to self-finance the panels. This makes it possible to accumulate up to sixty euros. In addition, according to him, the solar panels make it possible to profit from a rather consequent tax credit and several regional aids. To show that the project is really interesting, he does not hesitate to present you a concrete figure. And to crown it all, the seller specifies that the panels are guaranteed for 20 years thanks to the business interruption insurance. Look out! The customer has a 14-day withdrawal period. In this way, the seller will do everything in his power to prevent the customer from changing his mind.What are the possible recourses?
Before the 15 days preceding the signature of the contract, it is possible to find an amicable solution, in particular if the credit is not released. However, most victims only find out the facts after several months, when the bank demands the first reimbursement. You can also lodge a complaint with the DGCCRF or the law enforcement agencies, as they will never be able to honour these exorbitant monthly payments. Finally, you can hire a lawyer specialized in the field to accompany you and help you claim justice. Having already dealt with many cases like yours, he will be able to advise and guide you through all the steps in order to put all the chances on your side to win the trial. The goal is to cancel both the sale and the credit.How do I request a cancellation of the sale?
If you are the victim of a photovoltaic scam, the first step is to ask for the cancellation of the sale contract and the loan contract. And if there is a mistake by the bank, the customer would no longer have any commitment to the bank. You can proceed on the basis of the following:- On the non-respect of the formalism imposed by the consumer code on the nullity of the sale for fraud (falsified order form, false promise...) or on the nullity of the sale for fraud.