Energy solutions

The opening of the retail energy trading markets

4th Quarter 2019 Retail Market Observatory : The results of the opening of the retail energy trading markets in the fourth quarter of 2019 show an increase in market offers in electricity of 5.2% with 454,000 additional customers and 2.5%…

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All natural gas storage capacity has been subscribed in Europe

All natural gas storage capacity has been subscribed, guaranteeing security of supply for the winter of 2020-2021. At the end of the 2020-21 storage capacity auction, CRE sets the storage tariff term at €78.63/MWh/d/year from 1 April 2020, down 63%…

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The block chain is used for exchanging electricity

Over the past year, microgrids have been appearing in the Brooklyn area of New York. By connecting residents, these local smart grids seek to facilitate the exchange of energy between consumers. Developed by TransActive Grid, this microgrid combines renewable energy…

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REMIT: prohibiting market manipulation and insider trading

CRE monitors the wholesale energy markets. Its mission falls within the framework of the European Regulation n°1227/2011 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 25 October 2011 on the integrity and transparency of the wholesale energy market (REMIT),…

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REMIT: obliging market participants to publish inside information they hold

CRE monitors the wholesale energy markets. Its mission falls within the framework of the European Regulation n°1227/2011 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 25 October 2011 on the integrity and transparency of the wholesale energy market (REMIT),…

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PPAT (Persons Professionally Arranging Transactions): what is it?

For persons professionally arranging transactions on the wholesale energy markets, or PPAT (Persons Professionally Arranging Transactions), Article 15 of the European REMIT Regulation provides for two types of obligations. ACER, the European Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators, clarified…

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Disagreement on the exchange of electricity between Member States

Nordic legislators would like to create a more integrated electricity market with a connected distribution system, in line with the growth of renewable energy. Berlin does not agree. One of the last bones of contention in the European Union’s proposed…

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Tips to reduce your energy bill

Since the natural resources that produce so-called fossil fuels do not replenish themselves as quickly as we would like, since renewable energies require an initial investment that is not insignificant, energy bills are constantly rising. But how do you go…

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Simple solutions to save energy

Even if most of our daily tasks depend to a large extent on renewable or non-renewable energies, we must be aware that our consumption is constantly increasing day by day. In order to prevent resources from drying up and to…

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Discover solar panels

Photovoltaic solar panels are ideal solutions for lighting in the future. They have several qualities, including the preservation of the environment. They are recommended in the face of greenhouse gas emissions. What is a photovoltaic solar panel? The solar panel…

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